Watch About Time on

About Time onlineAbout Time is the romantic comedy in which you can follow a family of guys with a special ability; they can travel in time. In the main role you can find Bill Nighy (also known from Love Actually) playing the dad of Tim (played by Domhnall Gleeson) and Rachel McAdams playing the beautiful young lady to whom Tim is very much attracted.

If you want to watch About Time then you can watch it as an Instant Video on It does not cost much, but you can start watching it at once and it works great. There are lots of other romantic films on as well and one of my favorites is The Longest Ride if you want to watch another film after About Time.

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The film was released in 2013 and it has received quite good critics and it currently has a 7,8/10 score on IMDB. The film lasts about two hours, but it is a good two hours, so you have something to look forward to if this is the film you are going to watch tonight!

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