Watch That Sugar Film with Amazon Prime

that sugar film on AMazon PrimeA long time ago I watched Super Size Me in the theaters. It had quite an opposite effect on me, so when I saw a big picture of a BigMac during the movie, I actually yearned for a McDonalds where I could grab one afterwards.

Following in the footsteps of Super Size Me, Damon Gameau takes a 60 day test as he fills himself with sugar. What effect will all the sugar have on his body? How will the major impact of sugar impact his health?

I first planned on writing an article about how you can watch That Sugar Film on Canadian Netflix (the only Netflix region on which it can be seen), but then I suddenly realized that Amazon Prime members in the USA can stream the movie for free, and for that reason I published an article here instead.

I haven’t watched the movie yet, but it is among the most wanted movies on my “to watch” list at the moment. It might not be a happy movie, but it for sure speaks about sugar and how it impacts our health, at least unless we watch out.

How to watch That Sugar Film on Amazon Prime?

You can simply visit and watch the movie right away. If you do not have a Prime subscription, then you can also buy the movie as an Instant Movie, or get yourself a Prime subscription. For those located outside the United States, follow these instructions to access Amazon Prime abroad.

On Rotten Tomatoes the movie has a critical score of 65%, while the common audience rates it higher, leaving it a 74% score at the moment.

Have you seen That Sugar Film yet? Did you enjoy it? Did you not enjoy it? Will the movie impact the way you live, and what you eat in the future? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the movie as you write a comment beneath.

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