Free Kindle Books for Prime members January 2016

Every month 4-6 Kindle books are made available for free to Amazon Prime members, and that has not changed in 2016, meaning that you can now download one book for free to your Kindle as a Prime member.

In January 2016 there are 6 books you can choose between and you can download one of these books for free. In other words you can not download all six books, but from the six books you can choose one which you decide to download to your Kindle for free.

Free Kindle Books January 2016
These are the six books you can choose from for free as a Prime member in January 2016

If you are not a Prime member yet, visit Amazon Prime and sing up right away. If you want to know more about the advantages of being a Prime member and get information on how to sign up for Prime from outside the United States, read this article.

So, which are the six Kindle books available for free to Prime members in January 2016?

  • Fields of Wrath, written by Mark Wheaton
  • The Moonlit Garden, written by Corina Bomann and Alison Layland
  • Captain Riley, written by Alexander Woodend and Fernando Gamboa
  • Harmony Black, written by Craig Schaefer,
  • Becoming Marta, written by Lorea Canales and Gabriel Amor
  • The Oddfits, written by Tiffany Tsao

These books have not been released yet, but their release date is set to February 1st in 2016. But, as a Prime member you get access to these books one month in advance and you get them for free, so do not loose out on this chance!

Have fun reading and if you have any feedback on any of the books that you would like to share, or maybe a question, just write a comment!

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