Get Kung Fu Panda for free on

Kung fu Panda for freeIf you buy any digital product or video in these days you will automatically get a discount sent to your email address giving you access to Kung Fu Panda for free! I have just tried it and it is working!

This is all a part of Amazon helping the Kung Fu Panda guys get some more activity and higher expectations and more fuss around the new Kung Fu Panda film (number 3) coming in the start of 2016.

Just thought I’d mention this so you will not miss out on this. And do not forget that Amazon also has a 75% discount on renting one film at the moment, which means that if you first rent a film at 75% discount then you will at once be eligible for the free version of Kung Fu Panda!

So, I spent 1,50 USD to rent War Room and then I got Kung Fu Panda in addition. I think that is quite cheap. I did have some problems actually getting the discount coupon to work in the first place, but in the end it worked! 🙂

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